
The scars across my heart
Mirrored in my Father’s tears
You wear my shame
I am now innocent
I had to die today
Because you promise me
The triumph of love.


Magpies smashing windscreens
A woman confesses her sins
You once packed boxes
You once coughed up tears
You never laid a hand
In each dream you buried deep
Crows eyeing your treasure
From nowhere
You know that you are blessed.

Enduring Grace.

You wear the shame of my confusion
Nails drilled through your palms
Love becomes the vein
That welcomes me to the promise
The beauty that you gave me
Strengthened me
Enriches my heart
With the glory of your enduring grace.


Yellow lipstick mercy
Shines without scorching
Sorrow tinted compassion
Leaves no shadows
In the red soil of flesh
You release forlorn hope
For the cross is something
You get nailed to.


It would be impossible to swim
Chasing the sunrise
Beautiful and refreshing
I feel your eyes
Burning into my face
The simple gesture of extending your hand
To mine
To care and listen
Alive in love.


The shape of nothing happening
Receiving visions
In her eyes
Let it go
Slowly open your cold eyelids
It’s hard to believe in emptiness
When glory floods the land
And an eternal rock
Makes all things new.


Meandering shadows
Dissolve in light
As raindrops
Hang on plastic curtains
Your eyes
Caught in mirror
Your first words
Still accompany me.